Warrior Sailing Returns to Annapolis

Warrior Sailing Returns to Annapolis

Based out of the Annapolis Yacht Club’s new Sailing Center, this year’s participants experienced all the conditions the Chesapeake could throw at them. Mission accomplished – Warrior Sailing introduced 21 veterans to the sport of sailing off the...
Support Warrior Sailing by shopping with AmazonSmile

Support Warrior Sailing by shopping with AmazonSmile

When you shop on AmazonSmile, Warrior Sailing benefits. At no cost to you, a portion of your purchases through Amazon can be donated to Warrior Sailing. You simply need to visit smile.amazon.com and list USMMA Sailing Foundation* as your chosen charity. After...
Warrior Sailing attends the 2019 Red Fox Regatta

Warrior Sailing attends the 2019 Red Fox Regatta

The Great Lakes Regional Program took to the waters of beautiful Lake Charlevoix over Labor Day Weekend for the 49th Annual Red Fox Regatta. In total, there were 8 program graduates on the water split between two Warrior boats and Tom Barnes’ J22 out of...