When you shop on AmazonSmile, Warrior Sailing benefits.
At no cost to you, a portion of your purchases through Amazon can be donated to Warrior Sailing. You simply need to visit smile.amazon.com and list USMMA Sailing Foundation* as your chosen charity. After you’re set up, be sure to do all your shopping through smile.amazon.com for your contribution to count.
Any purchases made through amazon.com rather than smile.amazon.com will not benefit Warrior Sailing. The AmazonSmile site has the same functionality as Amazon–your account settings, shopping cart, and lists will be the same as on the main site. Remember to get on smile.amazon.com before you checkout!
Add smile.amazon.com to your bookmarks, make it your homepage, or just type in smile.amazon.com anytime you shop with Amazon. If you use Google Chrome, you can install this extension to be automatically redirected to AmazonSmile every time you type amazon.com in the search bar.
Setup AmazonSmile here.